Tuesday, 1 April 2025 23:24
info@emagrup.com / +90 (232) 328-02-98


Trigeneration is a system that electricity, heat and cooling can be produced by using only one energy sources. The heat generated during the production of electric energy can be used by the system. In that systems the lost are minimized so fuel consumption of the system is reduced significantly. Consequently; profitability comes up depending on the energy efficiency. In a conventional system, 30% - 40% of energy can be turned to electricity. On the other hand; Due to the rejected heat can be reused and turned to the energy, 70% - 90% efficiency can be achieved by trigeneration systems. Therefore, trigeneration systems are more economically than the conventional systems.

The advantages of Trigeneration Systems

 ·The energy are used more efficiently.

·There is no transmission loss

·The amount rejected solid, liquid and gas materials into the environment is low when it compared to per unit of useful heat and power.

·Instead of central established power stations, The dispersed power stations are more beneficial for national security