Tuesday, 11 February 2025
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Heating System With Radiators

Depending on the projects, 90 oC hot water is used in these systems. Water is exhausted the temperature around 90 degree and it returns usually 70 degree.  Produced hot water in the hot water boiler is transferred to the volumes that will be heated by radiator, convector and heater equipments such as hot air apparatus etc. In these places, the hot water gets cold and its hot temperature transfers to the cold room so the room gets hotter. Circulating pumps are used in these system because of the good economic and comfortable conditions. Rising volume during the water heating process is stored in an expansion tank. For the low temperature heating comfort can be provided by selecting the water temperature 70/50 oC instead of selecting 90/70 oC.

Panel Radiators

Radiator panels are the compound of panel (body) and plates (convectors). Usage of these systems is increasing rapidly in the world and in our country as well. It is because the below features of these systems; production and usage rate, these systems are environmentally friendly, less fuel consumption and high comfort condition at the same time.

Aluminium Radiators

Sectional heating radiators are produced by using the aluminium die-casting technique and they are connected with nipple. As a result of the usage of the sectional heating radiators, operating time of these systems are between 15-20 years. Their depth is less and their heat distribution is performed as convection. Sectional extrusion (alruad) radiators  works more likely as panel radiators.

Cast Iron Radiators

They are produced in slices from cast iron by means of moulds. Usually, more than 30 slices do not recommended. Conical or screwed nipples are used in grouping. One them is connected in bottom and the other is connected on the top. Manilla is used as the connection surface for hot water heating systems. On the other hand, klingerite is used as the connection surface for superheated water and steam heating systems. Sectional heating radiators can be with columns, percolumns, ridem.

Design Radiators

This type of radiator are used in order to provide the  bathroom comfort for people. Therefore, special designed radiators are developed for restricted areas such as bathrooms.